We are Eternal and Divine Light We are Infinite Love. We are ONE.
"We are constantly choosing our experiences, consciously or unconsciously.
Embodying the awareness that I AM in the NOW MOMENT ends all suffering. There is only NOW.
There is only CONCIOUSNESS, everything else is just energy in motion, states of motion. Our power lays in CHOOSING to tap into the frequencies around us in every NOW MOMENT.
What are you choosing to manifest in your life? "

It is not the when, but the why this journey started. Life is constant motion, and in that motion we find ourselves searching for growth, for meaning and for answers. In our long path to self-discovery we came to the realization that we are meant to assist and serve the collective in order to participate in the rising of human consciousness.
We believe we are living challenging times that require UNITY and TRUST. Gaia Quantum Healing Center is the manifestation of our lifelong dream. Welcoming healers and therapists to our community in the hope of spreading TRUTH and helping others find their light back to their natural state of being.
Meet the Team
The EESystem™ is not a medical device. The EESystem™ Technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any illness. No guarantees expressed or implied are made about the efficacy of the technology. Results may vary between individuals. Information and statements made available to you about the System are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. This disclaimer also applies to all additional products and services provided byHealing Hub Playa , including written information, labels, brochures, and flyers, as well as any information provided orally or by any other medium of communication. Medical advice must be obtained only from your own qualified health care practitioners. The EESystem™ Technology and Healing Hub Playa , its owners, agents and employees, do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe medical treatments or diagnose illnesses. The views and advice expressed by the EESystem™ Technology licensor and Healing Hub Playa are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical services.